Database of the Month – Business Source Premier
As the world’s largest full text business database, Business Source Premier provides full text for more than 3,650 scholarly business journals, including full text for nearly 1,100 peer-reviewed business publications. Coverage includes virtually all subject areas related to business. This database provides full text (PDF) for more than 300 of the top scholarly journals dating as far back as 1922 and is updated on a daily basis.
Business Source Premier is part of the INSPIRE collection of databases – Indiana’s Virtual Library.
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Michael E. Cafferky
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“You too can master the no-cost ‘secret formula’ that puts your company ahead of the pack. What’s the secret? Let your customers become your best salespeople. Word of mouth is the most powerful marketing tool around. Studies show how satisfied customers tell four or more people about their positive experiences. If, however, you disappoint your customers, word-of-mouth can devastate your business-because dissatisfied customers tell up to eleven other people.” – Book Jacket
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Silverstein author of the highly acclaimed Trading Up continues the story in Treasure Hunt as he takes the reader into the homes of real people making real buying decisions. By looking at the moods and habits of the constantly changing consumer, companies can survive by marketing to meet those moods and habits. Silverstein challenges companies to avoid the treacherous middle – the consumer wants a bargain or a product worth trading up in cost.
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