Tuesday, October 07, 2008

October Business at LCPL

658.812 BLAC

In today's Web-connected world, consumers have far more opportunities to share their experiences in the marketplace: through blogs, video- and photo-sharing sites, social networking sites, and product review sites, experiences bad and good can be viewed by an unlimited number of existing or potential customers. If you're a forward-looking marketer or business leader wanting to establish and maintain your brand's credibility among Web-savvy customers, you'll find consumer-behavior specialist Pete Blackshaw's argument for the importance of credibility and his tips for interacting with consumers "informative, energetic and entertaining" (Publishers Weekly).
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Nowhere close to quitting, legendary hedge-fund manager T. Boone Pickens has, at 80, written a book that combines memoir with business as he looks back over his years in finance and forward to the future of America's energy situation. From the corporate takeovers of the 1980s to his struggle with depression to a comeback that led to his current support of natural gas production and alternative forms of energy, Pickens has a lot to say. Don't miss his "Booneisms" either, such as "Don't rush the monkey and you'll see a better show."

These titles are from the library's subscription to NextReads. If you haven't signed up for email newsletter alerts, do so today.

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See more information about the Lake County (IN) Public Library & its services to business at http://www.lcplin.org/research/businesslines.htm