Wednesday, March 29, 2006

March Materials

Database of the Month Dun & Bradstreet's Million Dollar Directory

Dun & Bradstreet's Million Dollar Database features company information on over 1,600,000 U.S. and Canadian leading public and private businesses. Company information includes industry information, type of ownership, principal executives and biographies.

New Books

Marketing to the Campus Crowd
David A. Morrison
658.8340842 MORR

“Marketing to the Campus Crowd drills down into the whys, wherefores, and economic drivers of the $200 billion college consumer market.”--John McManus, Editor-in-Chief, American Demographics.

151 Quick Ideas to Inspire Your Staff
Jerry R. Wilson
658.314 WILS

Jerry Wilson presents ideas on motivating your employees. No long boring chapters on philosophy, ethics or personal stories, but short to the point directives that you use for results.

The Ice Cream Maker
Subir Chowdhury
658.562 CHOW

A short but inspiring book about a regional ice cream manufacturer determined to sell its product to a national grocery chain. The book challenges the reader to make quality the key ingredient in everything he does.

See more information about what the Lake County (IN) Public Library has to offer for businesses at