Database of the Month Morningstar Online
Morningstar Online helps users make smart investment decisions by finding stocks or funds to meet specific needs, research current or prospective holdings or see how a variety of investments fit together. This database is only available for use in our libraries.
New Books
What I Learned from Sam Walton
Michael Bergdahl
658.4012 BERG
“As a former director under Sam Walton, Bergdahl draws upon his firsthand observations to help you adapt Wal-Mart’s best practices and principles to your own organization.” (Book Jacket)
Built for Growth
Arthur Rubinfeld
658.406 RUBI
In Built for Growth, author Arthur Rubinfeld, draws upon his experience as chief architect for Starbucks. His book encourages business owners to “Make No Little Plans” and to “Push the Envelope” as they seek to expand their businesses.
Alpha Dogs
Donna Fenn
658.022 FENN
“Donna Fenn….introduces you to eight Alpha Dogs. These men and women share their solutions and insights on how to rise to the top, despite multiple competitors, from Chinese manufacturers to Wal-Mart.” (Book Jacket)
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