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New Books
Monopoly Rules
Milind M. Lele
658.575 LELE
“Monopoly Rules provides a fresh way of thinking about why companies succeed and where to look for new, breakthrough opportunities….the monopoly rules are the step-by-step guidelines for success in a world in which the mass market is in tatters.” Dipak C. Jain
Grapevine - The New Art of Word-of-Mouth Marketing
Dave Balter & John Butman
659.13 BALT
“The rapidly growing field of word-of-mouth marketing has been desperately missing one thing: hands-on experience. This book fills that gap.” Emanuel Rosen
The Undercover Economist
Tim Harford
330.90511 HARF
“Most people think economists are boring, opinionated and wrong. Tim Harford is often right, always opinionated, but never boring. He shows how economics can be used to illuminate our everyday lives, whether you want an explanation of the price of a cup of coffee or of poverty in the third world, Harford has it all.” John Kay
See more information about what the Lake County (IN) Public Library has to offer for businesses at www.lakeco.lib.in.us/businesslines.htm.